艾可云官- 狗急加速器

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Strategic Plan

Guiding countywide transportation improvements.


艾可云官- 狗急加速器

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艾可云官- 狗急加速器

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艾可云官- 狗急加速器

Reducing congestion on San Mateo County roadways.


艾可云官- 狗急加速器

CALL FOR SHUTTLE PROGRAM PROJECTS FY21 & FY22: San Mateo County Shuttle Program Call for Projects.

The San Mateo County Transportation Authority was formed in 1988 with the passage of the voter-approved half-cent sales tax for countywide transportation projects and programs, known as Measure A.

The original Measure A expired Dec. 31, 2008. In 2004, county voters overwhelmingly approved a reauthorization of Measure A through 2033.

The TA’s role is to administer the proceeds from Measure A to fund a broad spectrum of transportation-related projects and programs.

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101 Express Lanes

SM 101 Express Lanes Project Construction

Stay informed & plan for delays: construction underway.
Road Construction Sign

SM 101 Express Lanes Policy and Governance

See where your tax dollars are being spent.


US 101-Willow Interchange Project Wins California Transportation Foundation Award

TA Passes Interim Budget, Projects Deep Impacts to Revenue

Transportation Authority Announces Shuttle Program Funding

Local Partnership Competitive Grant Screening Criteria

Official account of the San Mateo County Transportation Authority.
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